A MICE infestation has forced a woman to “throw out 90 per cent of her belongings” after four months of problems. 

Julie Lindsay, 64, has lived in a Notting Hill Genesis property at Collingwood House for the last eight years but has been plagued by pests for the last four months. 

She claims, despite repeated complaints to the housing association, nothing has been done to resolve the issue and she has now taken almost everything she owns to the tip because of damage caused by the mice. 

Mice - Julie has thrown out 90 per cent of her belongingsMice - Julie has thrown out 90 per cent of her belongings (Image: Julie Lindsay)

In response, Notting Hill Genesis has apologised and said that further measures will be “taking place imminently”.

Julie said: “I have never had mice before, but about four months ago, the issue started.

“I complained and they sent out pest control who visited a few times, and by the end of the visits, they said I still have activity – which was obvious as they run about all day.

“I contacted them again, almost two months ago, and I haven’t heard anything.

Infected - Mice infestation in Westcliff homeInfected - Mice infestation in Westcliff home (Image: Julie Lindsay)

“I have now had to get rid of 90 per cent of my belongings. They have chewed through everything and infected it all with faeces. I had to get rid of the carpet. The smell is horrible

“It is absolutely awful. Someone needs to be made answerable, it is a nightmare, and is crazy it has got to this point.

“I shouldn’t have to take all my things to the tip. It isn’t healthy to live in either, I want to be at peace at 64, not living in this.”

Frustration - Infected belongingsFrustration - Infected belongings (Image: Julie Lindsay)

Notting Hill Genesis have stressed that they are working to resolve the problem.

A spokesman for Notting Hill Genesis said: “We are aware of the mouse problem in the block and have sent our pest controllers on numerous occasions to carry out treatment.

“Unfortunately, this initial measure was unsuccessful and our contractor now needs to gain access to each home in Collingwood House to ensure all potential routes for mice to get into the building are blocked.

“This will be taking place imminently and we are sorry we have not been able to resolve the problem before now.”