Pupils are "respectful and kind" at a Canvey school that has been highly praised by Ofsted inspectors.

St Katherine's Church of England Primary School, on Hilton Road, Canvey, was given the rating of "good" following a on July 3 and 4.

The primary school, catering to 227 children aged between three and 11, is a beacon of community learning where pupils know "how important their education is to them now and in the future."

Inspectors found the majority of the pupils "behave well.

The report, published this week, stated: "Pupils are respectful and kind. They know to treat all others equally. Due to this, and their high levels of self-confidence, they are very proud of their school.

"Most pupils behave well. They are polite and show good manners. For example, they put chairs away after use and hold doors open to allow others to walk through.

"Pupils trust that adults will help them. For example, if some pupils have a problem, they know that teachers will listen to both sides before coming to a decision.

"On the whole, pupils achieve well. They work hard and know how important their education is to them now and in the future. They are ambitious because staff instil in them the belief that they can all succeed."

The school's curriculum was also praised by inspectors.

The report added: "The school has well-developed curriculum plans. It has identified the small steps of knowledge that pupils need to learn.

"Teachers use these to teach interesting and well-planned lessons. They ensure that pupils make connections with past knowledge.

"This helps pupils have a good foundation for developing their understanding of new ideas.

"Teachers present information clearly to pupils. They provide appropriate tasks for pupils that help them consolidate their understanding."

The school was rated "good" in all areas, expect Personal Development, where they received an "outstanding" mark.

In response to the report, Anne-Marie Taylor, the headteacher, said, "We are delighted with our latest Ofsted report.

"I feel extremely proud of the exceptional children we have at St Katherine's CE Primary School and also of our excellent staff and governors who go above and beyond every day for our children."