Police will be deploying live facial recognition technology in Basildon tomorrow- as part of a bid to crack down on crime.

Marking the fifth deployment of the Essex Police-owned kit, it will be used in Basildon on Tuesday September 17 in response to "recent burglaries and will also target shoplifting, robbery and vehicle theft."

The technology is used to find people wanted for serious offences, to help enforce orders against those on a watchlist.

 If your face is not on the watch list, the technology deletes your image in a fraction of a second. It is not retained in any way and is not stored on any database.

The technology was deployed last week, which resulted in three key arrests. 

Since the first use of the technology less than a month ago, it has helped police to make a total of eight arrests.

Sergeant Harry Shelton said: “This kit has already proved its worth in making a number of key arrests relating to investigations into serious offending, including sexual assault and domestic abuse.

“It is our hope it will supplement and complement our ongoing operation targeting a recent spate of burglaries in Basildon and Brentwood. 

“This work has already seen a key arrest and charges against one individual and our work is very much continuing into the coming week.”