An infant school where pupils "know and understand the school values" continues to be rated as "good" after Ofsted inspectors visited for the first time in six years.

West Leigh Infant School, in Ronald Hill Grove, Leigh, was visited by the education watchdog on July 3 and 4, with inspectors impressed by the positive attitudes at the school.

The school has held a "good" rating - the second highest rating Ofsted can award - for more than 15 years.

Despite this inspection being ungraded, the watchdog found the school continues to uphold its commendable standard.

In the report, published this week, stated: "Pupils are very proud of their school.

"They know and understand the school values because adults remind them to be honest, kind, safe, resilient and good team members. Pupils respond by trying hard and behaving well.

"Pupils learn in a thoughtful and happy school. They play and learn very well together. Relationships are very calm and supportive.

"Pupils mix happily together at breaktimes in the very well resourced playground. They treat everyone fairly.

"If there are things that upset them, they know the adults in school will support them, help them and ensure it does not happen again. This helps pupils to feel safe. They enjoy coming to school."

At the time of the inspection, there were 359 pupils at the school, all aged between four and seven.

Inspectors also highlighted that the curriculum is "a strength of the school".

The report added: "The school works effectively with high ambition for their pupils and a clear vision.

"Leaders and governors support staff to manage their workload. The local authority, school improvement partners and parents help the school to improve.

"Everyone is proud to be a member of this school community.

"The curriculum for early reading is very effective and a strength of the school.

"Staff are well trained. They are experts in teaching pupils to read. Pupils learn to become confident readers quickly.

"Staff use the same routines, resources and reminders to help pupils apply the knowledge they have learned.

"The school provides effective, extra support if pupils need it to keep up. They ensure that reading books match the sounds pupils know."