A DEADLY machete and Class A drugs have been in the North Station Road area in Colchester with three people being arrested

Essex Officers executed their warrant this morning at a property in the North Station Road area.

A man, aged 22, was arrested at the scene while two others, a woman aged 44 and a boy aged 14, were arrested shortly after.

All remain in custody for questioning.

During searches of the property a quantity of suspected Class A drugs were seized alongside, cash, a number of electronic devices of interest, and the machete-style weapon.

Drugs - Class A drugs were seizedDrugs - A quantity of suspected Class A drugs were seized (Image: Essex Police)

A dog was also seized from the property, which will be assessed by specialist officers.

The warrant was led by Colchester community policing team.

Inspector Chris Coyles said: “Today’s enforcement comes after a diligent investigation by officers into the supply of Class A drugs and incidents of violence in the city.

“Today, we’ve made three key arrests and crucially we’ve seized what we suspect to be Class A drugs which would have gone on to be sold in Colchester, but also a deadly weapon.

“We won’t tolerate drug supply or serious violence in Colchester and we’ll take action against anyone we suspect of being involved.”

Raid - The raid on North Station Road started at about 7.45am this morningRaid - The raid on North Station Road started at about 7.45am this morning (Image: Submitted)

The start of the raid was seen by a witness, who was on their way to college.

The witness said that there was a group "of about ten" police officers who were seen running at the scene at 7.45am this morning.

The witness said: "They had shields and big red keys and the silver things which they break doors in with.

"I wasn’t there long so I’m not sure how long they were there."

"Some of them also had helmets."

"I wasn’t there long but it did look quite serious."