BUILDING on farmland in Hadleigh would have a “phenomenal impact” that would be “detrimental to current and future residents”, Leigh Town Council has insisted as it lodged an official objection.

The town council has now written to Castle Point Council raising a number of concerns after the Salvation Army put forward land next to Hadleigh Country Park as a potential location for the local plan.

Dozens of furious residents living in both Leigh and Hadleigh gathered at the Leigh Community Centre last week as they urged the town council to support their fight to stave off development threats.

Leigh Town Council has written a letter stating it “would vehemently campaign against” any homes being built.

The letter said: “The council cannot express strongly enough at how appalled they are that the Salvation Army have proposed allocating some parcels of their land for development within the Castle Point Council local plan.

“The areas in question are without doubt unsuitable for any kind of development and the impact this would have on the community of Leigh would be phenomenal.

“It is incomprehensible that not only the Salvation Army feels giving up these green spaces is acceptable, but that Castle Point Council would even consider it.

“Generations of families over the years have been able to enjoy this landscape, and removing the open spaces is detrimental to those present and those in the future.”

The large swathe of the farmland, which borders both Hadleigh and Leigh, has been included in Castle Point Council’s consultation of proposed sites after the Salvation Army stated it could be used to provide “much-needed housing”.

Leigh Town Council has also stressed the impact this proposal could have on both towns.

The letter added: “The concerns focus on the potential implications for traffic, and the road hierarchy, lack of infrastructure, such as health and education provision, as well as utility services.

“The drainage system that is in place is already at straining point and adding further development would have a huge destructive impact.

“The concern also focuses on the cohesion of the towns of Hadleigh and Leigh, and the important historic character as adjoining parishes.

“The town council is completely against any development on any of the Salvation Army’s land and would vehemently campaign against this.”