A SALON owner has revealed he is “losing business by the minute” because of six months of issues with an unreliable phone line. 

Spencer Lynch, owner of Spencer Lynch Hair on High Road, Benfleet, claims he has contacted Sky and his previous provider, Daisy Communications, more than 100 times but this issue remains unresolved. 

He claims he has exhausted “every professional option” and fears he has nowhere left to turn. 

(Image: Spencer Lynch)

The issue began around six months ago after his phone lines were changed from analogue to digital, and he has since experienced calls dropping out with customers or not connecting at all, Spencer claims. 

As a result, he has been forced to make a member of his team redundant due to the loss in trade.

Spencer said: “We are losing business by the minute. It’s now coming up to close to six months in my salon without a fully functioning phone line.

(Image: Spencer Lynch)

“The salon industry is not doing fantastically as it is, the phone line is our main line for business, this is our main line for communication.

“It’s my cry for help, does my business go under because I have not got a working phone line but I’m still being billed for the pleasure of it? What happens to me?

“The companies at the forefront don’t have a resolution.

“We are a service provider, you don’t come in and I give you half a haircut and charge you full price. There has to be something that has to give.

“I don’t want to lose what is a very successful business to a phone company.”

(Image: Spencer Lynch)

Spencer added his business has suffered a hit to its reputation with customers complaining that their calls were not being answered.

He said he had contacted the Communication Ombudsman regarding the situation but was told he would not hear anything back for eight weeks.

He said he was told by his old provider, Daisy Communications, that he had to switch to a digital line which did not work, and switched to Sky, where it works irregularly.

Mr Lynch added he currently pays £42 a month for his Sky package.

The Echo contacted Sky and Daisy Communications for comment.