A MARKET that has faced months of uncertainty is set to relaunch with a refreshed line-up of stalls and a new trading day.

Wickford Market will relaunch on October 5 thanks a new partnership with Love Markets, a company with experience operating a number of successful markets.

In addition to a “fresh new look, expanded range of traders and family entertainment”, a Thursday market will also be launched from October 10.

At things stand, the market only operates on Saturdays.

The market has recently faced controversy with nine long-standing traders quitting since Wickford Town Council took control in June, sparking disagreements over trading times and increased costs for stallholders.

Joshua Morter, who has been running a stand at the market for ten years alongside his brother, Paul, is optimistic but cautious about the change.

He said: “I am for relaunching the market. Hopefully, it will result in good for the market, though that may take a bit of time.

“We have noticed when there are events there is an increase in footfall and that generally creates more in the market. One kiosk owner had a recent fundraiser for a carnival float and even that brought people in.

“These events do help the traders and they help the market. We would need a happy balance, though. Every week for events may be too much.

Love Markets already runs the successful Pitsea market and has now struck a deal with Wickford Town Council to run the market.

A spokesman for Love Markets said: “We are thrilled to be bringing a fresh new energy to Wickford Market. Our aim is to enhance the shopping experience, support local traders and create a destination that the entire community can enjoy.

“Whether you’re a regular visitor or a first timer, there’s something for everyone at Wickford Market.”

“Shoppers are encouraged to come down and experience the excitement from the very first day, take advantage of special offers and meet the new traders who will be adding even more variety to the market’s lineup.

“Wickford Market is located at Market Lane, Wickford, and will continue to trade every Thursday and Saturday, with the new Thursday trading day starting on October 10.”