A SOUTHEND actor’s play telling the tale of a woman who became the first person of colour to compete in a UK beauty pageant is being performed at the prestigious Globe Theatre.

Anne Odeke’s “Princess Essex” tells the story of Princess Dinubolu, who travelled to Southend to take to the stage in the Kursaal back in 1908.

Little is known about the woman, who is believed to be from Senegal, other than newspaper reports and Anne is hoping to shine a new light on her tale.

Last year a blue plaque in honour of Princess Dinubolu was unveiled at Southend Victoria rail station, where she is believed to have arrived before taking part in the beauty pageant at the Kursaal.

Coinciding with Black History Month, Anne’s musical comedy will be performed at the iconic Globe Theatre – originally built for Shakespeare – from today until October 26.

Anne – who grew up in Southend – is also the first person of colour to write and star in their own play on the iconic Globe stage.

She said: “I’m aware it’s not every day you get asked to write a play for the Globe’s main stage and to be in it.

“Though a daunting task, it’s above all else an exciting one, with the greatest privilege of all being able to share with audiences Princess Dinubolu’s incredible story. A story that for over a hundred years remained hidden – a story of beauty, of belonging, and of authenticity.”

The play is directed by Robin Belfield, who previously directed Twelfth Night for the RSC.

Mr Belfield said: “With Anne’s play, we have an opportunity to shine a light on a little-known piece of British history.

“The story of a woman of colour, in Essex, in 1908, swimming against the tide.

“It’s a story we need to hear, from a voice we haven’t heard.

“I’m thrilled that we have such an extraordinary, brilliant, and diverse company to bring this hidden history to life for our modern ears.”

Anne previously starred in A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Globe but is now making her playwriting debut at the theatre.

Princess Essex runs from September 27 to October 26 at London’s Globe Theatre.