A MUCH-LOVED restaurant in Leigh has re-opened thanks to the support of the community after the business temporarily closed due to “ever-increasing costs”.

From Eden, a restaurant and cocktail bar, closed at the start of the month after a “wave of challenges” but bosses said they would try to reopen as soon as possible.

The restaurant, on London Road, has proved popular in recent years serving everything from quality coffee and vibrant cocktails, to afternoon tea and Sunday lunches.

This week, bosses at the restaurant confirmed their doors are back open after widespread support.

A spokeswoman for the business told the Echo: “We are very excited to be open again.

“We had a financial blip but due to the support of friends and family we were able to reopen as quickly as we did.

“We had such a great response on our social media platforms from our customers which we are so grateful for and to see how much the restaurant was missed really pushed us to get reopened as soon as possible.

“Local businesses are really struggling at the moment and no small business is safe in the current financial situation so I feel it is so important to shop local as it has such a massive impact.

“We have just released our Christmas party nights information for businesses, friends and families wishing to celebrate over the festive period and also we have our reggae night this Saturday with a themed Caribbean menu, reggae singer and special cocktails.

“Our themed nights are always a sell-out so looking forward to seeing everyone there.”

At the time of the closure, bosses highlighted the “ever-increasing cost of utilities and supplies” impacting the restaurant’s finances as the prime reason for the temporary closure.

Owen Cartey, Conservative councillor for the West Leigh ward, has visited the restaurant a number of times and was left saddened by the closure at the time, but is delighted to hear they have since reopened.

He said: “This is fantastic news. We need to do everything possible to attract local residents to shop and eat in Leigh.

“If we all do our bit to support local businesses, our community will keep going from strength to strength.

“I wish From Eden the best of luck with their reopening, and I can’t wait to come along and have another meal soon.”