Parents have been left delighted with their children’s “incredible” experience as they started at a new £10.6 million Basildon school.

Mothers Lia Ford, 31, and Katie Harris, 37, had nothing but praise for Chapel Hill Primary School, which opened on September 2.

Ms Harris said the school’s opening had proved a huge “slice of luck” for her son, Tyler, who entered year 3 and could have ended up elsewhere.

(Image: Michael Robinson) 

The pair said they were really impressed by the school as well as its teaching – which includes helping children learn how to swim from when they are in reception.

Ms Ford, whose daughter Darcie is part of the school’s new intake, praised the inside of the school and its staff.

She said: “They’ve been incredible really, pulling all this together. Everything inside is just incredible, and how they’ve put their classes together, it’s really engaging Darcie.

(Image: Michael Robinson) “I’m so impressed with them swimming from such a young age as well. Every single teacher cares, I don’t think anyone is just here for a job, they are here because they care about Chapel Hill. To have this school right here, it’s just changed my daily life, it’s brilliant. I’m amazed at how well everything has come together.”

Ms Harris said the school, which is less than a five minute walk from her home, was a lifesaver and a boon to the community.

The school currently teaches children from nursery age groups up to year four.

(Image: Michael Robinson)

She said: “They’ve been great getting it all done in time for them to start in September. Living on the estate, you walk past and think ‘is it going to be ready?’

“I’ve got one in the nursery as well, it was an anxious wait to see if it would all get done in time for both of them. They’re so friendly, every time my son and I have come in, Mrs Jackson or other teachers know my son’s name. It’s very personal.”

Charlotte Hellis-Gilbert, and son Joseph, said they have enjoyed a “wonderful” time at the new school, and added its opening near the Westley Green development had proved very convenient.

She said: “There’s a lovely community here, everyone’s really friendly. It’s been really amazing, exceptional. Our neighbours’ children went to Lee Chapel and there wasn’t a bad word said about it.

“I would 110 per cent recommend it to other parents, the teaching standards are exceptional.”