PLANS for hundreds of new car parking spaces to be created on Southend seafront have been scrapped.

The former Tory administration revealed plans for the 448 new car parking spaces last year in a bid to raise £500,000 a year to offset scrapping controversial plans to charge for seafront parking from 6pm to 9pm.

The new Labour-led joint administration reintroduced the scheme, which seafront traders believe will put off visitors coming to the city.

The Conservative administration had come under fire after only managing to complete 40 new bays.

The £157,000 remaining budget which had been earmarked will be returned to the road resurfacing programme.

Daniel Cowan, leader of the council, said: “The Tories took funds out of the resurfacing budget promising to create additional parking spaces along the seafront. They never actioned this despite spending £18k on a study.

“I have put the remaining funds back into our resurfacing programme to fill more potholes and fix more pavements. We believe this better fulfils the priorities of our residents and visitors, providing them with better roads and pavements instead of empty and expensive promises about fictional parking spaces.”

Tony Cox, leader of the Reform Group and leader of the council when the scheme was put forwards, said: “The problem they have got is their complete financial mismanagement and let’s face it anything that was done by the Conservatives the leader just doesn’t want to do it because it didn’t emanate from him.”

Seafront parking spots are making a lot of money, with Marine Parade and Western Esplanade earning the council about £2,000 for each spot every year. The Seaway car park spots make £1,000 each.

The new seafront parking charges were introduced on July 1. Previously free parking between 6pm and 9pm on Southend seafront, now sees visitors charged £3 per hour.

Angry seafront traders say people out for an evening meal will be almost certain to go elsewhere rather than pay an extra £9 for their night out.

A petition against the charges was started by Adventure Island boss Philip Miller and is set to be considered by cabinet.