Pupils have spoken of their enjoyment learning and settling into a new £10.6million Basildon school which opened this month.

Head girl Sofia Correia, head boy Ellis John, deputy head girl Macey Neldr, and deputy head boy Jenson Knight at Chapel Hill Primary School, which opened on September 2, all spoke glowingly of the school.

Sofia said: “I have really enjoyed my start, I have liked everything. I have liked all my new teachers.

“The classes have been really, really good. I think I really enjoy maths and also really like the wall where we can hang children’s work.

Excited - Pupils in the classroomExcited - Pupils in the classroom (Image: Michael Robinson)

“I am also really glad we have football and loads of different tournaments, because it gets people into sports.

“I really like our school uniform because it lets us stand out, because not many primary schools have ties and blazers.”

Sofia added she rated the school ten-out-of-ten and she was happy to have Sue Jackson as her headteacher.

“I have really enjoyed English. I really love English and Maths,” said Macey, who has made lots of friends at the school, while Sofia added they really like their outstanding work being displayed on a wall in the classroom.

Ellis said: “I have also really liked maths, I’ve made lots of friends and the teachers are very nice. It’s been a fantastic time.”

Jenson said: “My favourite lesson is maths, my favourite bit is when we get challenging questions because it pushes me to my limits.”

The children said they were all looking forward to the rest of the year and enjoyed everything so far.