A PETITION set up by residents demanding farmland next to Hadleigh Country Park is protected from development has passed 1,500 signatures less than two weeks after being set up.

Campaign group, Save Hadleigh Farmland, formed last month in response to the Salvation Army putting forward a huge swathe of farmland as a potential site for Castle Point Council’s local plan.

Furious residents have demanded the land is protected, fearing a development would have a hugely detrimental impact on infrastructure and the quality of life for residents nearby.

The petition urges Castle Point Council to remove the site from the local plan consultation and any future local plan.

Martin England, Hadleigh resident, said: “It is amazing that we’ve built up the 1,500 signatures in just 13 days.

“This is thanks to fantastic residents in our group. The overwhelming feeling is one of togetherness to stop this potential plan.

“We object to this potential site being included in the local plan consultation on the grounds that Hadleigh cannot sustain this level of development, the infrastructure cannot cope with an increase in population and traffic, and we can’t afford to lose valuable green space and farmland.

“Our Save Hadleigh Farmland Campaign Group now has a huge membership and is working jointly with Leigh residents. We all feel very strongly about this and will be doing all we can to ensure the homes never get built.”

The Salvation Army believes the land could provide “much needed housing” as well as “new and improved” community spaces.

Trish Walker said: “We are all very disappointed by the proposal to build on farmland. There are plenty of brownfield sites to put houses on. We are totally opposed to this and have shown this through the petition.”

Ian Cotgrove added: “ When I voted in the last election, it was on basis of saving green belt, so why has this been included in the local plan consultation?.”

Leigh Town Council has already backed residents and strongly opposed the inclusion of farmland next to Hadleigh Country Park in Castle Point Council’s local plan consultation.

The Salvation Army and Castle Point Council has been contacted for comment.

To sign the online petition, visit https://www.change.org/p/save-our-salvation-army-farmland?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1bZT6tVEjRkRJxCFSwmQUw7lKMBQjuxYu-f3wJ0H13R88PelE2MEJcZzg_aem_sG91thXUD_bZUDrel7UMzA