A SPECIAL needs school has been forced to close a classroom and keep ten children off school for two days after a faulty and leaky roof left a room unusable.

Cedar Hall School, in Hart Road, Thundersley, sent the class home yesterday and confirmed they will not be able to return until Friday because of issues linked to a classroom roof.

According to headteacher, Nic Maxwell, the school has faced issues with ceiling and roof repairs which has led to ceiling panels being removed following heavy rain.

Mr Maxwell said: “Cedar Hall has a flat roof over the admin block and some of the youngest classes in the school, that for a number of years has been leaking intermittently.

“The school has spent a considerable sum on localised repairs, but recent heavy rain has led to the ceiling panels in one class having to be removed due to the amount of water above it and consequently the class has had to be relocated.

“In order to minimise the distress of the change for the children involved and to prepare for the temporary relocation, the children of the class will not be in school tomorrow and Friday.”

The school provides education to roughly 176 children with special educational needs.

Mr Maxwell added Essex County Council will be surveying the roof later this week noting “the roof is not in danger of collapse but the level of water damage is considerable to the point where it is no longer viable to be used as a classroom.”

James Snazel’s six-year-old son is in the class affected.

He said: “It is very shocking and concerning for our children’s safety and for the staff as well and this school is so good and so well needed, they are in such high demand.

“I cannot believe it and it will be deeply unsettling for the children who will have to process what is happening, it will be hard to help them understand.”

A spokesman for Essex County Council confirmed it is aware of an issue with the roof at the school, being informed that the school had to close a classroom on site yesterday.

The spokesman said: “We have arranged to attend the school this week to assess the damage and will continue to support the school with the necessary repairs.”