A PROLIFIC shoplifter who hid items in a Minnie Mouse bag as he targeted two garages 42 times within just weeks has been jailed. 

Jack Hills, 31, stole £6,371.40 of goods from the stores at the BP garages in West Road and London Road, in Westcliff, between July 26 and October 3.

This included alcohol, deli items, meat, chocolate and car care products.

He often concealed these thefts in a Minnie Mouse bag, the city’s magistrates heard last Friday

His crimes were finally stopped as he was spotted by a police officer shortly after his final theft, at the garage in West Road, was reported and arrested nearby.

After the hearing, investigating officer PC Rachel Smith said: “Many of Hills’ thefts individually amounted to less than £200 but they added up to almost £6,400 which is a lot of money for two businesses to lose.

“And then there’s the threat and harm caused to members of shop staff and customers who experienced Hills’ criminal activities.

“We will always seek to secure charges where we have the evidence to do so.

“Hills is in jail now because these two businesses had previously reported all the offences committed against them and supplied us with witness statements and CCTV stills.

“This evidence enabled a strong case to be presented at court, leaving him no choice but to plead guilty at the first opportunity.”

Hills, of no fixed address, admitted the 42 thefts. 

He was jailed for a total of 24 weeks and ordered to pay £85 costs as well as a £154 victim surcharge.