THE family of a superhero teenager have revealed the first month of trial treatment for a rare form of cancer is going well as he continues to defy the odds against. 

Oscair Fairs, 14, and his family were told to prepare for palliative care at the start of this year after running out of treatments in the UK after he was diagnosed with a 7cm ependymoma brain tumour.

However, Oscar and his family, from Benfleet, were not giving up and last month, the West Ham U14s footballer was accepted onto a £70,000 treatment trial in Lille, France, to help save his life.
Hero - Oscar continues to smile despite everything he is facingHero - Oscar continues to smile despite everything he is facing (Image: Natalie Fairs)

A GoFundMe page was set up to help the family raise funds towards the treatment, medication, care, travel, and accommodation in France, with more than £126,000 now raised.

Oscar has now been in France for more than a month and is entering week four of his treatment and is responding well. 

If the treatment is working, by Christmas 2024, the family will have to raise another £100,000 to continue treatment.

His mum Natalie Fairs, 41, said: “We are now on week four of treatment and my Oscar is incredibly fighting strong. We have our bad days, but we try our best to have more positive, good days.

“He is well in himself, and as strong as ever. Our very own Super Ependymoma Warrior. It is a 24-week trial, but Oscar has an MRI on December 10, and as long as everything looks like it is working, we will continue with the treatment using the donations to help save our precious son’s life.

Brave - Oscar having treatment in FranceBrave - Oscar having treatment in France (Image: Natalie Fairs)

“The French have also offered extra radiation which we have been able to afford because of your fabulous funds too. We are so grateful to be able to come to France and be on this trial. It has given us all hope.”

Oscar was initially diagnosed in August 2023 and underwent seven surgeries, one round of chemotherapy, and one round of radiotherapy to be told palliative care was the only option at Christmas in 2023.

Strong - Oscar Fairs continues his fight against cancerStrong - Oscar Fairs continues his fight against cancer (Image: Natalie Fairs)

However, earlier this year, a determined Oscar underwent four months of further chemotherapy and 30 rounds of radiation.

In July, the family were given the devastating news it had failed, and the UK had no more options.

Oscar underwent surgery just days after arriving in France and had a period of recovery before beginning further chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

The treatment involves several forms of chemotherapy including both orally, and directly into his chest and head.

Natalie added: “We are in awe of the amazing, vital funds, towards saving our son’s life.

“The support has been just phenomenal. We will keep fighting and will remain strong and hopeful for Oscar.”

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