AN EMBARRASSED Essex cat has made quite the impression in a video which captures its bold but shaky leap from a ledge to the shed roof.

The video – which was captured by Ring Spotlight Cam Wired – shows a cat not quite landing after attempting a ‘superhero’  jump.

The black cat can be seen up precariously hanging from the edge before using all its strength to unsuccessfully swing itself back up to safety.

Paul from Essex captured the amusing moment on his Ring Spotlight Cam Wired that was set up in his garden. 

He said: “This is not my cat but a frequent visitor to my garden.

“It was absolutely fine after its little escapade and continues coming to my garden. As for my reaction, I felt a bit sorry for him/her, it looked a bit embarrassed, especially when it looked at the camera.”

If you have a clip of an animal captured on your Ring device and have Ring Protect, you can simply press the ‘Share’ button on your Ring app and choose ‘Share with Ring’ to submit your footage to us. Find out more here. 

Find out more about sharing animal clips captured on Ring here