Major concerns have been raised over the safeguarding of children after an Ofsted inspection at an after-school club based at a Billericay school.

Children All Together, run within Buttsbury Junior School, in Norsey View Road, has been ordered to make urgent improvements following an inspection on September 12.

The club is open before and after school during term time and cares for almost 160 children.

A report published last week found that the arrangements for safeguarding were not effective.

Both Children All Together and the junior school have been contacted for comment but did not respond in time.

The report stated: “There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children’s interests first.

“While the provider and team of staff understand they have a responsibility to protect children’s welfare, there is a lack of understanding and knowledge of the correct procedure to follow should they have a concern about a child’s well-being.

“There is also a lack of knowledge about how to report concerns regarding allegations made about members of staff.

“Additionally, robust checks and vetting procedures are not consistently followed when recruiting staff. Therefore, children’s safety is compromised.”

Following the inspection, Ofsted gave the club four requirements that they must meet.

These included ensuring all staff understand and implement policy and procedure around child protection concerns and allegations against staff, and ensuring robust checks and vetting processes are followed when recruiting staff.

The club must also ensure there is a written procedure for dealing with complaints and improving the supervision of staff so that they are provided with coaching and support.

Despite the concerns around safeguarding, inspectors stated that children have close bonds with staff.

The report added: “Despite this, children are greeted by happy and caring staff who are genuinely pleased to see them. Children are excited to see their friends and siblings and hold hands as they chat about their day at school on the walk back to the club.

“Staff are calm and good role models. Children’s behaviour is very good.”