A HOMEOWNER who installed an external staircase to a property which overlooked neighbours’ homes and gardens must tear it down.

Southend Council’s development control committee approved enforcement action against the owner of the home in Alexandra Road after the staircase was installed without planning permission.

Councillors on the committee heard the staircase includes a platform which effectively acts as a balcony capable of accommodating a table and chairs, impacts seven neighbouring properties.

The three-storey terraced property consists of a ground floor flat and a first floor maisonette, with the staircase and platform leading to the maisonette.

The site, which is within the Clifftown Conservation Area within a tightly knit residential area, with shallow rear gardens.

Speaking at the meeting, a planning officer said: “Whilst the development is acceptable in terms of heritage and character it causes significant harmful impact on the immediate neighbour due to overlooking and loss of privacy at the neighbouring properties. These include 88 and 92 Alexandra Road.

“Officers consider taking enforcement action is expedient in this case.”

A first complaint was received by the council September 2023 and the owner was advised planning permission was needed for the staircase.

The owner of the property said the staircase was a “like for like” replacement for a previous staircase and platform, but planning officers disputed this and said it was “materially larger” than the original construction.

The officer added: “It’s a secondary access to the dwelling. The main difference between the pre-existing staircase and this one is that the previous arrangement was not allowing for an extended sitting space.

“It was purely an access where people were coming in out. Now because of the depth and dimension of the platform it is possible to have some seating space which exacerbates the impact we have identified.

“We have identified the development, which is in effect acting as a balcony capable of accommodating a table and chairs, would impact seven properties.”

The owner will have three months in which to remove the staircase and platform.