IN an exclusive interview with the Echo, Emma Price has spoken out on the eight years of “constant bullying” she received at KFC before attempting to take her own life.

Emma, 32, has been in hospital since July and is continuing her recovery after initially being declared “brain dead” by doctors at Basildon Hospital.

Her miraculous recovery means Emma is now walking, talking and feeding herself and hoping she can return home in the coming months.

When Emma was placed in a coma, her family claimed she was being overworked and faced bullying while working at KFC in High Road, Pitsea.

Now, speaking from Basildon Hospital, Emma has revealed she faced “constant abuse” at the fast-food restaurant which ultimately drove her to attempting to take her on life.

Speaking to the Echo, she said: “I went to work every day and it was horrible, I used to be bullied there and I used to be called all kinds of horrible words, there was bullying of me left and right.

“I worked there for eight years, the bullying built up over time until the point where it was constant, I was dreading going into work.

“Some days I would call in sick, I tried to report it so many times and eventually I couldn’t take it any more, it was from staff and managers, everyone.

“The only way out I saw was the ‘easy way out’, to try and kill myself and that wasn’t a way out.

“It ended up with me in hospital for months.”

Emma’s brother Ben Price did CPR following the overdose, something Emma credits with saving her life.

She added: “My family have been a light in this and I thank them, I want to thank all them and all the staff as if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here.

“I am happy to be here today, if it wasn’t for my family and younger brother, who did CPR, I wouldn’t be here.”

Emma’s family have previously branded KFC disgraceful and claimed that the business has not reached out nor responded to the family.

KFC are currently investigating the accusations of bullying toward Emma and have emphasised their commitment to ensuring an inclusive working environment.

Anyone needing help or support should contact the Samaritans on 116123.