A SHOPPER has revealed how she was slapped with a £70 parking fine ... for staying just 42 seconds over. 

Emma Wilson, 34, parked in the Co-op car park in Spa Road, Hockley earlier this month to visit a new parking to try out a new nail shop and paid using a pay and display machine. 

However, this week she has received a fine through the post from Horizon, which manages the car, stating she must cough up £70. 

The Rayleigh resident was none the wiser about the fine, but the letter stated she had paid until 11:08am however had left the car park 42 seconds later.  

The fine shows that Emma was 42 seconds late leaving the car parkThe fine shows that Emma was 42 seconds late leaving the car park (Image: Emma Wilson)

She has now lodged an appeal with the parking firm and has urged them to introduce a “grace period” for people who are narrowly over the time limit. 

“A parking ticket came through from Horizon saying that I overstayed in the car park. It explained that I had paid until 11:08am but didn’t get out of the car park until 42 seconds after 11:08,” said Emma.

Emma, who works in café, said that she initially laughed at the notice, but soon became angry at the severity of the penalty. 

The car park is located behind the Co-op on Hockley High StreetThe car park is located behind the Co-op on Hockley High Street (Image: Google Maps) She added: “It was funny in a way, but I soon felt angry. I don’t need this stress at the minute and the hassle of having to appeal it is something I could really do without.

“You’d think there would be a grace period.

“I worry that more vulnerable people will just pay the fine out of fear and I imagine the company makes a lot of money that way,” she said.

Emma was issued with a £70 fine, that can be reduced to £40 if paid early. However, neither Emma or her partner plan on paying the fine.

She is committed to appealing the fine and has said she will not be revisiting the car park.

“I personally know I won’t ever be returning to the car park as I’m just too scared now,” she said.

Adrian Eves, Hockley parish councillor, said: “I would’ve expected that under the circumstances they would be looking at the particulars of this case and due to the length of the overstay would not have issued the fine.

“It does seem that a little bit of common sense has gone out of the window.

“It’s highly frustrating when this happens as it does create a real anxiety about people parking, especially in that car park.”

Horizon Parking have been contacted for comment.