WE’RE all familiar with the concept of musicals – those theatrical productions which involve well- choreographed and performed dance routines, and pitch- perfect singing.

Never Forget is no exception, a musical journey based on the chart-topping hits of the nation’s favourite boy band, Take That.

You’d presume then, its star performer would be well versed in the art of song and dance. Not exactly, says Philip Olivier.

“I wasn’t musical in any way before this,” admits the actor, who played Tim “Tinhead” O’Leary in Channel 4 soap Brookside.

“I had only ever sung into a shower head, and the dancing was a real problem.

“I’m amazed I even got cast, and kept thinking it was a wind up when I got the part.”

But while Philip reveals he’s not the ideal candidate for a role in a musical, especially one which involves performing some of the best-known pop songs of the last two decades, a few things about the job have worked in his favour.

The 29-year-old, who since his Brookside days has been a teen idol, appearing shirtless in countless magazines and calendars, plays the part of former stripper, Dirty Harry.

And luckily, he is the dopiest of five hapless guys who come together to form a Take That tribute band.

“He’s not the sharpest tool in the box and is always two steps behind everyone else,” says Philip.

“The nature of his character bode well for me.

“In the first five minutes he has to perform a strip, which is probably the easiest bit for me.

“I can fluff my lines and no-one will notice, or get away with a dance move out of place. It’s the dream role for me!”

Although he jokes about the lack of appropriate qualifications for the role, Philip lets on a secret about his music taste as a teenager.

“I was 14 when Take That first came out,” he says. “I did like them but it had to be on the quiet. I was protecting my male ego and image.

“I remember when they came on the radio I used to write down the lyrics and learn the songs.

“That probably helped me get this job.”

Packed with classic Take That hits such as A Million Love Songs, Could It Be Magic and Relight My Fire, Never Forget is a feel good romantic comedy about a roller coaster journey of fame, and calls in at the Cliffs Pavilion from Tuesday and at the Regent, Ipswich, in September.

Coming straight from a stretch in the West End, it was written by Bafta award-winning Danny Brocklehurst – best known for his work on TV series Shameless – Guy Jones and Ed Curtis.

When it comes to the acting in Never Forget, there is no problem for Liverpool-born Philip, who made his Brookside debut at 16.

He held the role for seven years, and made the decision to leave just before the show finished in 2003.

“That was a bit crazy,” he says. “They were my adolescent years, and I didn’t realise it, but I was growing up in front of everyone.

“But if I hadn’t have got that part, I don’t know what I would be doing now.

“I was in a huge library of actors and it was a great experience for me.”

After the demise of Brookside, Philip moved into other soaps and TV dramas such as Hollyoaks in the City, Holby City and the Royal.

More recently, the actor graduated to films, performing in the gritty British thriller the Crew, and gangster movie, Clubbing to Death, with Craig Charles.

“I loved both those films,” he says with delight. “The characters I played were a bit crazy but it was good fun.

“I would like to get more into films because I like things with a beginning, middle and end. And that’s what I like about Never Forget – it charts the whole history of this tribute band.”

So, for now it seems Philip is thrilled to be involved in the musical, and far from his teenage years, is unashamed about admitting his love for the music of the Manchester pop group.

“Take That rank up there as one of my favourites,” he states.

“Gary Barlow is a great songwriter and it’s a real privilege to be performing his songs.

“I’m so pleased I was persistent with the singing and dancing, because I’ve made some great friends and I’m performing in such a good show.

Never Forget

Cliffs Pavilion, Station Road Westcliff. Tuesday, July 28 to Saturday August 2. £21.50. Tel: 01702 351135

Regent Theatre St Helen’s Street Ipswich. Tuesday, September 15 to Saturday, September 19. £28. Tel: 01473 433100