SCHOOL toilets are perhaps not the first place you would associate with cultural enrichment.

But at Sweyne Park in Rayleigh time and energy has been invested into making sure their loos are far from bog-standard.

The newly revamped toilets play classical and world music and teachers say it has done wonders for pupils’ well-being and even improved behaviour.

Simon Smith, the school’s learning environment leader, said tens of thousands of pounds had been invested in the toilets.

He added: “The new toilets have been a real success.

“The old ones were 40 years old and we wanted to do something with them “The children have responded so well to them and the way they treat them is remarkable.

“The behaviour in school toilets has generally not been brilliant over the years.

“Now, we don’t have reports from staff or pupils about any issues there, as occasionally happened in the past. There is no graffiti.”

The music played in the main toilets in the ground-floor corridor is themed each day, such as French, German or African music, as well as GCSE language role play.

Mr Smith added: “For pupils who don’t like that, it deters them from hanging around.”

Before their renovation, Sweyne Park asked parents and pupils about what they thought of the school toilets and how they should be improved.

Like with most schools, the answers were none-too-positive, with predictable concerns about cleanliness and graffiti.

Mr Smith said: “We even had parents telling us their kids wouldn’t use the toilets all school day, which could affect their health.”

The renovation began in Easter last year and as well as installing a music system, the school put in full-length doors to the cubicles to improve privacy.

Chemical urinals that do not constantly flush were put in to decrease water use, while more natural light and a lick of paint brightened them up.

The school invested in extra cleaning, and put in new hand dryers.

Headteacher Andy Hodgkinson said: “It’s an important part of the school and we didn’t want them to be bog standard.”