Tory Howard Briggs ranted that I had formed my views on the airport from “letters to the press and other non-objective sources”.

I am surprised the Echo found it worth repeating, but for the record, I have heard the airport’s point of view directly on numerous occasions.

I have visited the airport management on various occasions. I was present, and spoke, at that packed public meeting in Leigh in the spring.

My team and I have knocked on more than 10,000 doors this year, and at each one we have asked views on the airport plans.

The most common view expressed has not been for or against the airport. It has been that the consultation was a farce and the council leadership had already made its mind up. It is a view I share.

I rather like airport director Alistair Welch, but I think the documents that he has issued exaggerate the benefits of a busier airport and downplay the costs. That doesn’t surprise me, that is his job.

What does surprise me is Conservatives like Mr Briggs are so keen to echo the airport line. No selfrespecting councillor should take this stuff at face value.

One of the big costs is clearly going to be congestion on our roads. My view is that a planning inspector would throw the proposals out on this issue alone.

Liberal Democrat leader Graham Longley is asking the right questions about the impact on Eastwoodbury Lane and Nestuda Way while Mr Briggs is busy making duff accusations.

I’m glad it is Mr Longley who is on my side of the party divide,

Peter Welch
Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for Southend West
Leigh Road