A “JEKYLL and Hyde” character who tricked young girls into thinking he was a police officer has been jailed for four years.

Lee Walker, 21, told a young woman to get into his car in Kelvedon and placed handcuffs on her, Chelmsford Crown Court heard.

The court was also told a day earlier he had convinced three girls in Braintree to get into his black Ford Focus with tinted windows, before giving them a lift.

His family and friends said they could not understand how their hard-working relative had carried out these crimes.

Walker, of Doulton Way, Rochford, last month admitted nine counts of impersonating a police officer, kidnap and false imprisonment, committed on October 13 and 14.

Carolyn Gardiner, prosecuting, said three women were walking towards Braintree Freeport station when Walker pulled up.

She said Walker showed the women fake identification and they could also see an earpiece and a walkie-talkie. The girls accepted his offer of a lift. He stopped and let them out when they asked him to.

Mrs Gardiner added: “It seems the girls weren’t concerned.”

The following day, Walker approached a young woman who was in her car in Kelvedon.

Mrs Gardiner said: “He told her: ‘There’s been an incident and I’ve been given a description of your car. I need you to get out of your car while I check it out’.

“She could hear various words like tango coming from him, which made her think he was a police officer. He said: ‘I need to put these handcuffs on you, but I’m not arresting you’.”

Miss Gardiner said the woman was handcuffed while Walker inspected her car. After 45 minutes, Walker apologised and undid her handcuffs. She ran off.

John Donnelly, mitigating, said Walker had mental health problems, which had not yet been fully diagnosed.

The court heard Walker was given an 18-month prison sentence in December 2008, for committing similar offences in Westcliff and Canvey.

Judge Christopher Ball QC said: “The picture I’m getting is of someone a bit like Jekyll and Hyde.

“It’s quite obvious part of your character is highly laudable, bright, hard working and caring.

“But any young girl and any father with a daughter will know there’s a real worry and concern, because you keep creating situations where you have power over these young women.”

Mr Ball said Walker had not committed any further offences against the women once he had control over them, but that he could no rule it out in future.

He handed him a four-year jail term.