THERE was shock and outrage in Tiverton this week after the Government scrapped plans for a new secondary school in the town.

The school was set to replace the overcrowded Tiverton High School with work due to begin as early as 2012.

County councillor Des Hannon said he had written to Education Secretary Michael Gove to express “incredulity” at his decision to drop the £20million plans under the Building Schools for the Future programme.

Cllr Hannon, deputy leader of Devon's Liberal Democrat group, said: "Tiverton is a typical market town serving a big rural area.

“We're not after a trendy free school. We simply need a school building fit for our students and teachers to thrive.”

Tiverton High School head teacher Andrew Lovett said: “It is obviously hugely disappointing.

“It will feel to the students and staff that Mr Gove has turned his back on the young people of Tiverton and on their families.

“He has chosen to spend the limited money available for investing in education on academies and so-called ‘parent supported’ schools.

“We already have a ‘parent supported’ school in Tiverton – it’s the High School and he should have invested in that!

“We had plans for a school which would meet our young people’s needs as the 21st century progresses.

“This is undoubtedly a massive setback but it will not stop us continuing down the road of transforming our school.

“We will continue to develop our practice. While we won’t have the buildings we will continue to have a terrific staff, a committed and supportive governing body, the backing of the community and, most importantly, the best set of students on the planet.”