MOST brides spend the night before their wedding pampering, preening and relaxing, but Cheryl Stanbrook will be at her graduation ceremony.

Canvey student Cheryl will be married within 24 hours of South Essex College’s graduation ceremony tonight.

The 23-year-old will celebrate achieving her NVQ at the Cliffs Pavilion in Westcliff.

Tomorrow she will be marrying Andrew Barber, 23, at Langtons in Hornchurch.

Cheryl, from Clinton Road is looking forward to her double celebration.

She said: “It didn’t hit me at first, but, funnily enough, Andrew graduated with his degree in animation also at the college, the very same date last year so it’s all rather fitting.

“It’s also great as we’ve got relatives coming over from Australia for the wedding and now they get to see me graduate as well. It’s going to be several epic days of celebrations and catching up.”

Cheryl is also the first person in her family to get a degree or degree equivalent qualification.

She studied level 4 NVQ in Children’s Care Learning and Development and admits the college has been the making of her. She completed the course in ten rather then 18 months.

She said: “Since I left school, my confidence has grown and my abilities during my time on this course.

“My assessor, Kirsty Poulton, has really supported me on each level and has been fantastic. I could not ask for anyone better. Not only will she be there cheering me on at graduation, but she is coming to the wedding.”

Cheryl and Andrew have been together for eight years and engaged for six after first meeting at Cornelius Vermuyden High School on Canvey.

They have been inseparable since they were each other’s prom dates.

Cheryl is looking forward to her honeymoon in Cyprus.