I have been on a not-so-magical mystery tour. I suffer from osteoarthritis and find walking, and especially standing, very painful, so I use a mobility scooter.

I had to go into Southend and went in blissful ignorance, as I had not been able to use a scooter for a while as mine is in for repairs. But I have been loaned another.

When I got to Cuckoo Corner, I discovered the traffic lights are not working and I found I was going down a slope, hemmed in by metal barriers, I guess to protect me from the traffic as I was now riding on the road.

I followed the barriers until they put me back on the pavement. But more barriers on the other side of the road stopped me crossing, so I had to continue along Priory Crescent to a set of lights.

The only way I could then go was through Priory Park. I worked my way around the park, not too sure where I was going, because there were no signs, no help, just barriers.

I know I am in the minority.

I don’t drive, I choose because of pain not to use the bus, so I am the equivalent of a pedestrian. What a rare breed we are.

I understand the need for the work that’s being done, but don’t forget those who, for whatever reason, have to use the pavements.

It would be nice to tell us what’s going on – where we are being sent and how we get to our destination.

Surely it’s not a lot to ask for a bit of information for those who still use the pavements.

S Malin
King Henry’s Drive