I was incensed at what I witnessed while shopping in my local Tesco yesterday.

The store rightly observed the two-minute silence for Armistice Day, and it was nice to see people proudly observing the silence.

That is, apart from one ignorant man who brazenly carried on rummaging through the shelves, making noise, and who then proceeded to happily walk around with his trolley while everyone else showed their respect.

Two things came to mind.

The first was that our brave soldiers fought and gave their lives for ignorant people like him.

The second was that the man was of foreign origin.

I am not racist, but if we were to go to his country and show such scant regard for their traditions and culture, we would get stoned or severely punished.

If he didn’t agree with the war, then he should have at least shown respect for those brave men and women, and also the many people in the store, who did observe the silence. Shame on him.

Steph Raymond