Every morning People in Gainful Employment (hereinafter called PGEs) travel into Southend by train, along with hordes of students whose behaviour makes their journey miserable.

Every morning, one student presses the emergency stop button at the top of the escalator outside Victoria station, bringing it to a standstill.

Every morning the rest cheer. Any PGE on that escalator has to climb to the top while being buffeted by students and their art folders.

The PGE then has to run the gauntlet down the High Street.

Many of the PGEs on that train, or escalator, or in the High Street, hold degrees which gained them their employment.

But these students are probably studying for degrees in media studies, sports studies, art, fashion or whatever.

Such degrees will almost certainly be quite worthless when their three years of antisocial high-jinks come to an end.

Thus my question is this. Why should I, a taxpaying PGE, fund those high-jinks?

If a teenager opts to go to university because it’s fun, with a complete disregard for the impact their high-jinks have on others, and no care about future employment, surely it’s not unreasonable to ask them to pay for it all if and when they do get a job?

John Stanton
Leicester Avenue