JAYDEN JAMES SHAW OLIVER DANIEL SHAW (Our Beautiful Twins) JJ and OLLIE Peacefully on 9th May 2011 Aged 1 Hour Truly loved and never forgotten Our time with you was short, and that’s what hurts the most, but memories last forever, and we’re glad you stayed together. Remember we’ve kissed your hearts, and love you more than words can say, two angels to love in Heaven, this was how it was meant to be. Sleep tight baby boys, will love you forever and always, Mummy and Daddy x x x x Luci and Jay wish to thank you for your support during this difficult time. Funeral for close friends and Family only. x x x x (Insert scroll) To my two beautiful Grandsons Jayden and Oliver. Twinkle twinkle little stars, how we wonder how you are. Up above the world so high Shining brightly in the sky. Take care of each other boys. I love you with all my heart. Love, Nan x x (Insert scroll) Our precious little angels, they could not stay for long, the little ones we longed for, were swiftly here now gone. Our precious, tiny sweet little ones, you will always be in our hearts for ever more. Brokenhearted Nan, Grandad And Uncle Ashley. x x x (Insert scroll) You went away so suddenly, we just got time to say goodbye, as brothers you can never be parted, precious memories never die. Forever in our hearts and thoughts, Aunty Kelly, Uncle Danny And Owen (Insert scroll) Two little boys, two special friends, both little fighters, right up to the end. Gone from our lives but not from our hearts. We’ll keep you there always like we did from the start. In our hearts always, Auntie Haley, Bryan And Summer. x x x (Insert scroll) We never got to see your eyes or hold your hands, or hear your cries, all we have are dreams of you, those of which will never come true. Heartbroken great Nan, great auntie Tracey, great uncle Rich, cousins Beth, Ruby and Declan. x x x (Insert scroll) To my two great grandsons. Gone but not forgotten. Love always, Grandma x x (Insert scroll) An angel wrote in the Book of Life Jayden and Oliver’s date of birth, then whispered as she closed the book “Too beautiful for Earth” Love you both dearly. Sleep tight boys, “Auntie” Jeni, Barry, Jake & Olivia x x x (Insert scroll) Babies are a gift from God, at least that’s what they say, gifts that are given are quickly snatched away, have so much meaning if you have the eyes to see, in our hearts you’ll always be. Kim, Shawn and Riley. (Insert scroll) Sleep beautiful angels, on your pillows in the sky, Angels are forever so we’ll never say goodbye. Sleep peacefully little men. Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts. Love always, Aunty Rach, Uncle Chris, Mason and Ashton x x x x (Insert scroll) Darling little angels, it was time for goodbye. Darling little angels, Our time to cry. There’s one thing I’ll always do, I’ll always remember you. Sleep tight beautiful babies Ollie and Jayden, Aunty Sammy x x x