I agree with Alan Davison and R Lawson (June 7, 9) and share their concerns about Southend seafront.

It must have looked dramatic on an architect’s drawing board, but it has serious, predictable problems.

The far too narrow two way City Beach road is screaming out for a tragedy to happen.

Young families, unfamiliar with the layout and craning heads out of their cars to see the sights and lights, often at night, could well be caught in an accident.

Even a shunt could paralyse the road for hours.

Already the pristine City Beach is threatened by 20mph cameras.

Then there will be pedestrian crossings, more speed humps, then more traffic lights, then perhaps even pedestrian bridges in at least two sites – all demanded by the need for safety.

The clean lines will be swamped by wires, lights, poles and complication.

Will they have to dig up the pretty pedestrian area? It won’t be long.

Haven’t we been there before? How can so many articulate, sensible people have such differing views from their own council?

We may have to accept the fact that the council’s original and ultimate aims for City Beach was always going to be pedestrianisation.

If this broader, radical plan had been put to Southend right at the start, rather than this dangerous, hybrid hotchpotch, the council may well have been surprised how well this might have been received.

Southend is now waiting for the first disaster.

David Timmins
Albert Close