I was pleased to see Southend Council is to make new efforts to find a partner to operate the pier.

Although past experience may not give much hope for optimism, there is a new opportunity to be considered this time round.

The Big Society approach could be the means of achieving the favourable outcome a partnership with a private developer has so far failed to deliver.

Local people acting together can make a difference, and enthusiastic volunteers working alongside paid professionals could achieve a lot. The pier’s freehold would remain safe with the council.

There are some astute business people in this part of Essex who could contribute by becoming board members of a new charitable organisation.

There may not be more cash forthcoming, but the experience of these people could be invaluable in planning a new future for the pier.

The council would have to nurture the arrangement in the early days, but it has experience of this and no doubt would rise to the challenge.

One major benefit would be that the pier’s running costs would fall, enabling charges to be reduced to a more reasonable level.

It would be sad if the pier priced itself out of the tourism market.

Ken Adamson
Ashingdon Road