What a load of old rubbish Tony Cox, Southend councillor in charge of transport, comes up with when he says the camera spy cars have the same status as police cars. Let’s put it to the test.

If a camera car goes through a red light to catch someone parking on a yellow line and hits another car, what happens then?

Will Mr Cox argue the car was answering a call, or would he wipe his hands of it? I think we all know the answer to that.

Camera cars cannot have the same status as response vehicles.

They do not have sirens or blue lights on top, and they have to obey the law, the same as the rest of us.

I agree with keeping the roads clear, but not little side roads where one motorist was caught waiting to have his tyre fixed outside a tyre firm.

That is just plain greed on behalf of the council, which the idiots of this town voted in.

K B Humphries
Archer Avenue