GIANT Andy Warhol-style art boards will be installed in Hadleigh town centre to celebrate the Olympics and the launch of Essex Summer of Art.

Pupils from Westwood Junior School, in Beresford Close, Hadleigh, and Hadleigh Junior School, in Church Road, transformed sporting photos of themselves into art works in commemoration of the 2012 Games.

The artwork will be transposed onto 50 giant hoardings which will go on display outside the Crown pub, in London Road, Hadleigh, shortly before the town hosts the Olympic mountain biking event on August 11 and 12.

Six doors of the Hadleigh Old Fire Station will also be dressed with art boards depicting Essex athletes and their journey to excel in their sport and compete at the Olympics.

County councillor Jeremy Lucas, cabinet member for environment and culture, said: “This is a tremendous opportunity for the town, and is just the thing that leads to regeneration.

“The artwork will provide a huge corridor right on the doorstep of the mountain biking venue, as the visitors and athletes arrive in August.”

Year 5 Westwood pupil Katie Wakeling, ten, said: “It has been a lot of fun making the artwork, I have really enjoyed it.

“My mum is already saying how proud she is that she will be able to see my work around the town.” The decorations come as Essex County Council launches its Summer of Art initiative which will see over 500 artists exhibiting their work in 450 venues across the county in the next few months.

Last year, almost 180,000 people enjoyed the Summer of Art across 284 venues, bringing in 32,565 new visitors to the county and £1,298,917 in revenue.

Stephen Castle, county councillor responsible for education, lifelong learning and the 2012 Games, said: “Summer of Art is a wonderful event for the county. With its London 2012 theme this year, those involved are playing their part in creating a lasting legacy for the county.

“It's a really inclusive initiative, with many of the county’s schools also taking part in the art trail activities.

“I’m looking forward to seeing the work over the coming months.”

For more information about the Essex Summer of Art, go to