A HEALTHY young dad who died suddenly after returning home from a game of squash was “the glue holding the family together”.

Tom Fleetwood, 28, collapsed on the sofa at the home he shared with his wife Elise and their baby daughter Lacey Belle, who is now 21 months old.

The family had celebrated Lacey Belle’s first birthday just two days before with a party.

Elise, 29, from Rayleigh spoke of their devastation for the first time as family and friends rally together to hold a charity football tournament this Sunday.

She said: “Tom was a wonderful husband. He worked so hard to give Lacey Belle and I a good life. “He was my best friend and I will love him forever.”

The couple were together for nine years and married for two. They were at FitzWimarc School , in Rayleigh, together, but got back in touch when friends reintroduced them.

Tom, who worked as a fabricator at Colourminium, in Westcliff , was overjoyed when Elise fell pregnant and chose Lacey Belle’s name.

Elise, events manager at Southend Hospital , said: “We were enjoying life, and enjoying Lacey Belle. She was his little princess. “He always wanted a girl and when she was born, I asked Tom to be the one to tell me if it was a girl or boy. He said, ‘I’ve got my little girl’.

“We went totally over the top for her first birthday and had a massive party. “It was brilliant. That was on the Sunday. He died on the Tuesday.”

Tom regularly cycled to work and played squash and football. He had been playing squash with his brother-in-law, David Stock, who drove him home, when he came in saying he felt unwell.

Elise said: “He got in just after 8pm and as soon as he got in, he said his chest was tight. I told him to sit on the sofa. Within seconds, he was struggling to breathe. He collapsed there. “It was just so scary. I knew it was serious and grabbed the phone. It was horrendous. The silver lining was that I was with him.”

Despite the best efforts of her neighbours and the ambulance service, and having no previous ill health, Tom died. The cause of death was given as Sudden Adult Death syndrome.

Elsie said: “I wondered what happened. There must have been a reason. They did lots of tests and he had a normal heart. “It was so hard to understand.”

Tom, who died on October 18 last year, also leaves his mum, Lynne, dad, John, and brothers, David and Adam.

Elise said: “Not one single thing is the same anymore. “Family life has been turned upside down. I’m taking everything one step at a time.

“Lacey Belle is incredible. There was a period of time I think she expected him to come through the door, but she’s so young. “She looks at photos and understands that’s her daddy and he’s really special.

“Tom was such a nice guy, very sincere and kind with a wicked sense of humour. The hole he has left is massive. “He was the glue holding everything together.”

AN idea dreamt in the pub by Tom Fleetwood’s close friends has culminated in a charity tournament featuring 30 teams.

The event will raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young, which helps families who have lost a loved one suddenly.

Elise said: “Cardiac Risk in the Young has been incredible. I’m still getting amazing support from them.

“They put me in touch with a young lady who’s been through the same and we speak every other week. I can’t put into words how valuable and comforting that is.

“This event is for us to give something back. It gives us something positive to do after such a difficult and sad time.

“It’s been overwhelming but there’s been a constant flood of offers of raffle prizes, people giving time and doing so much for us.”

The event, on Sunday from 10am to 5pm, is being held in association with Rayleigh Boys FC at Rayleigh Town Sports and Social Club, off London Road, Rayleigh.

There will be a family fun day with stalls, a DJ, bouncy castle, pamper treatments, raffle and an auction including Chelsea captain John Terry’s signed boots worn in the 2006 World Cup.