A SCHOOLBOY whose dad died two years ago is aiming to walk 12 miles to raise money for a headstone for his grave.

Nine year old Mason Gotts wants to do a sponsored walk to help his mum with the cost of buying a memorial stone for his dad Ben, 39.

Mr Gotts, who suffered severe depression, took an overdose of pills and ended his life after being released from Basildon mental health unit in October 2011.

Mason struggled to deal with his loss and his mum Lisa Gotts (they weren’t married she just changed her name) says its only now he’s been having counselling that Mason is starting to open up.

Lisa said: “Mason was just seven when Ben died. His dad was such a big strong guy and was always in his life.

“It was quite scary for him. Mental health is such a crippling thing . You look healthy on the outside. It was confusing for Mason to see him deteriorate.

“He really withdrew and didn’t really talk about what happened. When the police came round Mason heard me screaming when I was told the news. he develope da rash which the doctor said was a physical stress effect.

“With the counselling at school he’s just started to ask to go to the grave. But he gets upset as other people have a stone and his dad doesn’t.”

Lisa, of Chestnut Grove, Southend, struggled to pay the funeral costs and says it is impossible to find the £1,000 cost including cemetery fees to pay for it.

Mason, a pupil at Temple Sutton Primary School, told his mum he wanted to do a cake sale or something to raise the money.

She said: “He asked me what can I do to help. so we decided a sponsored walk would be a good way. He actually wanted to run it until I told him how far it was.”

Mason and a group of friends and family aim to walk from Shoebury to Chalkwell and back again on his dad’s birthday May 16.

Lisa, 30, who has a new partner Glen and a daughter Isabelle, six months, added: “He’s getting quite excited. Its nice he feels ready too. ”I think it’ll be nice to show him people do care if we can raise some money. He’s had such a hard couple of years. He’s made me so proud.”

To sponsor Mason call Lisa on 07453 323410 or email lisagotts@msm.com Any extra funds will be donated to Southend Mind.