RUN-DOWN garages in Castle Point could make way for more homes in a bid to spare the borough’s green belt from redevelopment.

Castle Point Council has put forward proposals to tear down a number of empty and decaying garages and build new homes to address the shortfall of new properties in the borough.

Residents in the area of Kingsmere, Hadleigh, are being consulted on the proposals to demolish the garages and provide four, one-bedroom flats and eight additional parking spaces.

Garages in St Christopher’s Close, Canvey, could also be torn down and replaced with three, three-bedroom terraced homes and nine additional parking spaces as part of the plans.

Beverley Egan, Castle Point councillor for homes, said: “We would like to hear the views of residents on these proposals.

“Staff from Housing Services will be calling on local people to find out their opinions before moving to the next stage of seeking outline planning permission.

“Anyone who still has a garage at either of the two sites will be offered an alternative, and residents who live closest to the garages will be consulted as part of the planning process.”

The council must provide 1,200 homes in the next five years to meet the borough’s housing need.

However, Government planning inspector John Felgate determined in the recent Glebelands appeal the authority was also struggling with a deficit of 1,150 new homes, which it should have provided between 2001 and 2012, and that this should be added to the required homes.

Dave Blackwell, leader of the Canvey Independent Party, has welcomed the proposals and claims the authority should be doing more to redevelop other brownfield sites.

He said: “Unfortunately, garages often tend to be used by unsavoury characters. I am sure the residents who live closest to these garages who suffer the antisocial behaviour that goes on will welcome plans to alleviate that problem and reuse the site.

“It is a good idea, but this is long overdue.

“We really should be putting more emphasis on redeveloping brownfield sites because we need to protect the fewgreen belt areas we have.”

Craig Watts, who is the council’s head of performance and service support, is happy to discuss the proposals with interested parties on 01268 882419 or by e-mailing him at crwatts@