SHE is called Catherine Middleton, lives at a royal address and has just given birth to her very own princess.

However, for our Catherine, life couldn’t be more different to that of the Duchess, whose pregnancy has been the focus of the world’s media.

Catherine lives in Queens Road, Southend. She works at the Co-op in Hamlet Court Road in Westcliff and has recently given birth to a baby named Emily Francis.

She found out she was pregnant just a few weeks before the official announcement Prince William and his wife were also expecting a baby.

Catherine said: “When the news came out I just couldn’t believe it. I had already been getting a lot of attention since the wedding, but everyone was so excited our babies could have been born on the same day.

“Whenever I went to hospital or for my scans, the midwives were amazed I was called Catherine Middleton and lived in Queen’s Road.

“Having my name certainly has its perks.

I even got extra scan pictures.”

Catherine, 25, who also has a six-year-old son, Connor, has felt the full force of royal fever ever since Prince William, second in line to the throne, popped the question to Kate in November 2010.

She even ended up selling merchandise with her own name on to customers at the Co-op in the build-up to the royal wedding in 2011.

She said: “It was very strange when all the commemorative biscuits turned up at the shops.

“We have certificates above the tills with our names on, and the customers thought it must be a joke at first.

“Then they realised it was my real name and I never heard the end of it.

One woman used to curtsy to me!”

Catherine says she is resigned to the situation now and is enjoying the attention while it she won’t be Catherine Middleton for much longer.

She is due to marry her own prince, Steve Sargent, 33, at the
Lawn Manor House in Rochford on Tuesday.

She added: “I’m a bit sad because it’s certainly a good name to have."