A COUNCIL-run water sports centre offering training in water sports could be taken over by a leisure company.

Southend Council says it is in talks with a leisure operator to take over the Southend Marine Activities Centre.

The council revealed in February it would fund the centre until the end of the summer before looking at alternative ways of financing it.

The popular centre provides training in sailing, windsurfing, jet skiing, kayaking and powerboating. It also caters for children with multi-activity courses and facilities for school groups.

Graham Longley, councillor responsible for enterprise, tourism and economic development, said decreased Government funding and budget constraints had prompted a rethink on how the centre is funded. He said: “We have been exploring various options for meeting the demand for water sports in a self-sufficient way at no cost to the local taxpayer.

“I am pleased to say that we are in discussions with a leisure operator to continue the service and are hopeful that we can conclude these positively.”

Mr Longley, who has not revealed who the new operator might be, added: “Whilst we were able to budget funding to continue operating the Marine Activities Centre through to the end of the Summer season, we have also been looking to find a new way of providing the service in the future.

“We are very determined that Southend remains a magnet for water sports enthusiasts but we also have to provide this service differently, so that it still acts as a draw to visitors but is also self-sufficient, more commercial and operates at zero cost to local council tax payers. I am pleased that discussion are moving forwards and hope to be able to give a further update in due course.”

A member of staff at the centre who asked not to be named said he feared it would not operate in the same way if taken over by a private company.

He said: “A private company would probably put up prices and make it inacessible to the kind of peole who use it now. Primary and secondary schools use the centre and they love it.

“People use the centre who would probably never be able to afford to take part in the activities at the centre. They wouldn’t have the opportunity. We have young offenders and people with disablities.

“Southend is a seaside town and should have facilities for water tourism. Southend Council got a grant for a proposed lagoon and I believe part of that was meant to be spent on the centre.”