A PUBLIC meeting will be held in the lead-up to an inquiry into plans for a huge expansion of Canvey's Calor Gas terminal.

The meeting will take place on Thursday, September 20, before Government inspectors decide whether 5 per cent of the UK's liquid natural gas should be stored at the Thames Road terminal.

Calor hopes to build two huge new tanks at the terminal and will appeal against Castle Point Council's decision last year to refuse it planning permission, at a public inquiry in October.

People Against Methane chairman George Whatley, who is helping to organise the public meeting, said: "We will be explaining to the public the format of the inquiry, which will commence on October 30.

"It's important for people to understand the ground rules so they can articulate their objections."

The meeting will be at the Paddocks Community Centre, in Long Road, Canvey, from 7.30pm.