YOUNGSTER Etalie Scott-Hays will start back at school next week clutching a Blue Peter Badge.

The nine-year-old, from Penwood Close, Billericay, has spoken of her delight after the prize badge arrived through her letterbox.

It was a reward for her hard work compiling a scrap book, on a recent holiday in South Africa.

Etalie said: "I asked if they would consider me for a badge because I've always wanted one.

"I told them I am the biggest Blue Peter fan ever.

"I went to South Africa to see my grandparents and had a fantastic time.

"I kept a scrapbook all about my trip and in it are aeroplane tickets, photos, maps and information leaflets."

The youngster has her Year 4 teacher Mrs Armitage, from Buttsbury Junior School, Billericay, to thank for suggesting she should keep the momentos of the trip.