A SCHOOLBOY has been presented with an award - for not missing a single day's schooling in five years.

Craig Fullman, 16, has an unblemished attendance record stretching back to the day in September 2003 when he started at Cornelius Vermuyden Arts and Media College, Canvey.

Teacher Stuart Evans said it was the first time he had known a pupil with such a good record in 36 years of teaching.

He said: "Educational research indicates that good attenders do better in their school examinations.

"Craig has always had good health and played a lot of sport. He just likes school."

After taking GCSEs this summer, Craig, of Link Road, Canvey, plans to study A-Level graphic design, English language, economics and media and says he'd like to work in advertising.

He added: "I've never been ill and I can't see the point in bunking off. I enjoy school and I'm proud to have done this.No one else in the school has done it."