THERE was a time when the beauty of stained glass was appreciated by housebuilders and used to adorn entrances and interiors of homes at every opportunity.

But in more recent times the ancient art has all but been passed over in favour of the double and triple-glazed models which comply with today’s ecological standards.

Yet few people realise a beautiful and original piece of glass artwork can easily be incorporated into modern windows.

Jennifer Newton is trying to keep the craft alive by running classes from her Thorpe Bay studio.

She said: “Back in the Twenties and Thirties, when all these big solid houses were being built, coloured leaded windows were common, but people are not so interested these days because they think they are expensive.

“But actually they are not much different in price.

“A 24ins by 32ins window costs between £400 and £500.

“They can also be incorporated easily in to double or triple-glazed windows.”

Mrs Newton, 51, hopes to keep the traditional craft going by teaching others at her home in Tyrone Road, Thorpe Bay. Along with classes on making lead lights, she also teaches copper foiling, which is traditionally used to make Tiffany lamps, and a technique called fusing. This is where coloured glass designs are sandwiched between glass layers and then put in a kiln to fuse.

These can be used for anything from place mats to wind chimes. Mrs Newton, who was trained by London glass art specialists Goddard & Gibbs, said: “These old techniques are in danger of dying out and that’s a shame. These old traditions are gradually fading away and I want to do all I can to encourage people to carry them on.”

Mrs Norton has taught at the Ambleside Drive Adult Education College, but now only teaches from her studio.

She also runs her own company, Simply Glass. She said: “People don’t need any previous experience to get involved. It does help to have some knowledge of glass cutting techniques, but it isn’t essential.

“People think they can’t do it, but they are always amazed at what they can create.”

Mrs Norton runs 12-week courses that cost from £90 to £120.For more information, call 01702 584960.