AWARDS have been made to Southend’s most outstanding citizens.

The Good Citizen Awards, held at the Civic Centre, saw people of courage, bravery and committed to helping others, praised for their achievements.

Among those receiving recognition was ten-year-old Felicia Cantone who has battled bravely against a rare form of cancer for the past three years.

She was given the Outstanding Bravery Award by hosts Sir Teddy Taylor, former MP for Rochford and Southend East, and Southend mayor Gwen Horrigan.

Felicia, of Leighton Avenue, Leigh has just returned from Mexico where she underwent pioneering treatment.

On receiving the award, she said: “I felt quite scared, I was biting my nails. I liked meeting the mayor and Teddy Taylor used to be our neighbour, but it was a bit scary.”

Proud mum Sammi Kaya, 42, said: “I felt so proud I had to stop myself from crying. Teddy Taylor said some really nice things about her and she got a standing ovation at the end.”

Cheryl Higgins, founder of mental health charity Trust Links, received the Adult Gold Award. She set up the Southend-based charity with the hope of helping people with mental health problems get back into the the community, build confidence and find work.

Ten years on the charity is still going strong. She said: “My own feeling is the reason I have been able to support others is because of the love and support I always receive from my own family, especially my husband, Reg.

“I felt honoured and privileged to have been recognised for this award.”

Michael Bromfield, 17, won the Youth Gold Award for his work promoting bands and musicians through his venture Southend Live Music. He also puts his skills of promoting music into raising money for charity at special concerts.

He said: “It was really great, I was taken aback a bit because the first I knew about it was when I got the letter in the post.

“I think it’s great Southend Council have backed this award. My whole family came and I met Sir Teddy Taylor and the mayor.”

The awards were sponsored by Phillip Miller, owner of Adventure Island theme park.

Paying tribute to him, mayor Gwen Horrigan said: “Philip Miller has sponsored the Good Citizen Awards and I would ask the thanks of the council be extended to him for so doing.

“Our former MP Sir Teddy Taylor has given enormous support to the citizen awards programme and it gives me great pleasure to invite him to present the awards.”

Other winners were: Adult Silver position – Rita Weiss; Youth Silver position – David Burling; Adult Special Recognition Award – Alan Meredith.