THE chief executive of Thurrock Council is in line for a huge golden handshake after quitting the low performing local authority.

Angie Ridgewell has left the post – the second top executive to leave in three years. Her predecessor David White picked up a payoff of more than £400,000.

The announcement came as a shock to opposition councillors and staff.

Labour group leader John Kent demanded answers and accused the Tories of having a hand in her departure.

Mr Kent said: “Rumours have been circulating the chief executive was about to move on after a major falling out with the council leader. We now know these rumours were true.

“When the Tories moved on the last chief executive it cost us £400,000. We need to know how much council taxpayers will have to pay this time around and what services the Tories plan to cut to pay for it.”

Thurrock Council has received low performance ratings from the Audit Commission, but these were not a factor in her exit, the council said.

In a statement issued through the council, Mrs Ridgewell said: “After two really exciting and challenging years with the council, I have concluded I have achieved as much as I can.

“After much evaluation of my ambitions and priorities for the role, I have decided now is the right time to pursue new challenges. This will allow me to take my career in a different direction so I can explore other prospects in the wider public sector that will provide opportunities for me to play to my strengths and build on the experience that I have gained in Thurrock.”

Council leader Terry Hipsey paid tribute to Mrs Ridgewell. He said: “Angie has worked with great dedication, commitment and integrity during her time with Thurrock Council.

“She has shown strong leadership and played a key role in our local community.”