A MIDWIFE who has helped bring thousands of babies into the world at Southend Hospital has bid farewell to colleagues after 33 years of of dedicated service.

Mary Doherty, 65, of Imperial Avenue, Westcliff, joined the hospital’s maternity team in 1975 and has just retired as ward manager of the Margaret Broom post-natal ward.

Colleagues presented her with cards, flowers and gifts including a statue of a mother and child which she plans to put in her garden as a reminder of her work.

Mrs Doherty said: “It has been a privilege to be part of bringing so many babies into the world.

“It has been the most rewarding and worthwhile job. Retiring will leave a big gap in my life, but I’ll still see everyone and we’ll keep in touch.

“The hospital has been part of my daily life for years and years, so it will take some getting used to, but it was time to move on and try something different.”

Liz Glenister, head of midwifery at the hospital, spoke of her outstanding work at the hospital.

She said: “During her 33 years, she has been responsible for nurturing thousands of babies and will be greatly missed by all her colleagues.

“We wish her a long and enjoyable retirement.”

Mother-of-three Mrs Doherty was born in County Kerry, Ireland, and moved to the UK in 1963.

In retirement she hopes to spend more time reading and going to the gym. She is also planning a trip back to Ireland in January with husband, Michael.

“I am going to be busy with Christmas, “ she said. “I have so many retirement gifts, I have not been able to open them all yet.

“I have lots of beautiful flowers. Everyone at the hospital has been fabulous. They are the best in the world.”