A WOMAN was left with deep cuts after she partly fell down a manhole.

Nurse Verity Poulter, 62, was on her way home from work when the accident happened, just yards from her house in Battleswick, Basildon. She trod on the cover, which was loose, and fell through.

Mrs Poulter said: “I put my foot down, and couldn’t get up. Thankfully, one of my neighbours helped me out. But if this had happened to a child or somebody older they could have been really badly hurt.”

As well as cuts to her leg, Mrs Poulter suffered injuries to her back and rib cage. She has been signed off work for a week.

Her husband Ron, 61, got in touch with Essex County Council following the accident.

Staff came out to investigate and said they had to report it to Virgin Media, responsible for the cover which has cables running beneath it.

The couple are now demanding urgent action. Mr Poulter said: “I have been in touch with Virgin Media three to four times.

“But it’s more than a week since this happened and they still haven’t done anything. It’s dangerous.”

Michael Page, spokesman for the council, said the authority had also made repeated attempts to contact Virgin Media. He added: “If the cover remains dislodged the council will carry out a further inspection to see what measures can be taken to avoid further accidents.”

Gareth Mead, spokesman for Virgin Media, said the company would repair the cover.

He said: “We are taking immediate steps to ensure the site is made safe.

“An investigation is under way to determine how the manhole was left uncovered.”