SEEVIC College has apologised following a flood of complaints about litter dropped by sixth form students.

Residents are concerned about the volume of crisp packets, drinks cans and chocolate wrappers littering Kiln Road.

The matter was raised at the Thundersley Neighbourhood meeting, and residents have also written to the college.

College spokeswoman Laura Mead has now apologised to residents, although she claims it is not just Seevic students who are responsible.

She said: “The litter cannot be attributed to any single group. However, college staff do accept that Seevic students may be partially responsible.

“We apologise for this and understand the anxiety and annoyance this causes local residents.”

She said tutors would continue to highlight the issue with students.

She added: “Any student seen dropping litter, or behaving in any other antisocial manner, is challenged.

“A litter pick is carried out twice a day in the green areas around the college.”